Thursday, July 30, 2015

Changing the world with just one word...RESPECT

I am not the most eloquent writer and by no means do I even pretend to have all the answers to many of life's tough questions. I do however, feel very deeply and think often about things that I wish I had the power to change.  

So many issues of major controversy have been splashed over the pages of social media lately. They have been broadcast on the news and over the radio. You all know what they are so there is no point for me rehash them. Besides those issues, we hear daily about police officers being shot, innocent victims losing their lives, riots breaking out, children disappearing or being abused, terrorist attacks and the list goes on and on. 

Just in my own community I have witnessed road rage, people screaming at each other at my children's sporting events, people bad mouthing others on social media, teachers getting yelled at by parents and students and that list continues. I know there is still goodness in this crazy world, I witness that as well but more and more there seems to be less compassion, less human kindness....and much less RESPECT for each other. I firmly believe that if we could just learn to respect each other again, the world could be such a different and much better place.    

The supreme court ruled that gay marriage is now legal. Do I agree with it? That isn't what this is about. I have family members who are gay and because of that I "respect" and love them. It doesn't matter if I agree, I just choose to love and show respect to them as a person. When the umpire at my boys baseball game makes a bad call do I have to agree with that? No, but I respect the call.  

Stop for a minute and think about all of the situations we are faced with daily. Is it really worth it to scream and swearing at someone over a parking spot or if they cut you off on the freeway? What are we teaching our kids? Why can't we just let it go and move on. Have there been times when I have lost it or not acted how I wished I would have?... Absolutely! We have all been there! But if our society could just take a minute and step back when faced with any frustrating situation and remember that one word "respect", I know it would make so much difference in our own lives and the lives of others.

Respect each other in your families, respect those in the schools, respect others at church, respect authority figures, respect strangers, respect the law, respect God and his laws and most of all respect yourself. 

My favorite holiday is the 4th of July. Every year I always watch a parade, on the day that we celebrate our freedom. As the flag goes by, my heart sinks, as more and more people don't even stand to show respect for our country. Things need to change and I hope this insignificant, yet heart felt blog post, might inspire you or someone out there to start now. Be a little more respectful to those around you and encourage others to do the same. Thank you for taking a minute to read this. Together, we really can make a difference.