For the past few years I have consciously recognized that certain months, are harder than others, May being one if them. I begin to feel like a failure. I have less patience for my family and I know they sense my agitation and feel my frustration often. But no matter how down I begin to feel those tender mercies I have spoken about, seem to rear their sweet heads every day and I somehow make it through.
Just this past week Max has taught me his "Yoga, breathing techniques" while requiring me to sit across from him, Indian style. Chance, decided his room was a "pretty messy" so he needed to "tidy up a bit" and he cleaned the whole thing without being asked. Mattie has such a happy and joyful demeanor and she tells me stories daily of funny things that happened at school. Cache gives me tight hugs and says "you're the best mom ever" at least 20 times a day and Macie's sweet little spirit lights up a room. Matt is also there cheering me on and reminds me often, how much he loves me and that he's grateful to have me in his life.
I also have crazy, amazing friends who I talk to daily, who lift my spirits and inspire me to be better. They also remind me that I CAN do this and I'm not alone. I love those girls so much!
So basically the moral of this story is: It's okay to fail! It's okay to have a messy house and have to eat our a few times a week because other wise you'd starve. It's okay to drop what you are doing and run to the school to drop off P.E cloths or sign a permission slip that was due yesterday. It's okay to feel overwhelmed and tired. It's okay to say NO and it's okay if you're not perfect!!!
Find things to be grateful for. Look for the small blessings everyday that come to help you through the tough times. And always remember, you're not alone!
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