Saturday, January 24, 2015

Finding Joy in the Crazy!

Well this is us! My huge, amazing, beautiful family! My name is Melanie and I'm the one in the middle, next to that handsome tall guy. This was our "Be yourself" family photo from last year. Hence, I'm holding a  microphone because I love to sing. Music is my passion and my sanity. I am the mom and the GLUE that holds us all together. This is my story!

 It still amazes me that at some point in my life, only 14 short years ago, to be exact, none of this seemed possible. Back then, I suffered from stage 4 endometriosis and infertility. The disease had attacked my reproductive organs as well as my colon and other vital organs. I went through several procedures and surgeries in a desperate attempt to become pregnant. I was a mess both physically and mentally because becoming a mom, was all I ever wanted.

Fast forward to present day and all I can say now is "Be careful what you pray for people" because wall-a! I'm definitely a mom and a very blessed one at that!

I am asked, almost daily "How do you do it" with all those kids? How do you keep up and always seem so happy? Kind people have said I am amazing and they admire me. They are very sweet but really I am just like all of you...trying to do my best and trust me I fall short quite often.

 So today I am taking a minute to write down 8 things that have helped me to be happy in my life. Like any mother out there we all have challenges, good days and bad but hopefully I can help you find joy in your crazy by sharing what I have learned in mine.

1. Look for Miracles Every Day: I consider many things miracles. These are the tender mercies from God that show me he is there and that he loves me. My oldest three children who are adopted, my IVF twins, my wonderful husband and his three kids, who I now love as my own; they are my biggest miracles! I love people and to me, they are all miracles. I consider everyone I meet a friend. When I am put in someones path to help them, that is a miracle. Sunsets, flowers, mountains, the beauty of this world...all miracles. I love the funny things my kids say, the way my husband "gets me" and the blessing of this life...miracles. Find them in your own life, write them down and cherish them. When life gets you down, remember them. They will get you through the tough times. 

2. Set priorities and stick to them: Infertility has taught me a great lesson about what is important and what is not. I was a career woman for many years and staying home full time didn't come natural or easy to me. It was essential for me to have the trial of infertility to learn what was important to me. I don't work outside the home. Obviously! I wouldn't have time! I'm not saying its the right choice for everyone but it is for me. My family definitely comes first! I spend my days at ball games, track meets, dance recitals, church functions, and school events. I choose to be excited and happy that I can be there for my kids. They are my #1 priority.

3. Take time for yourself: Just because my family is my 1st priority, doesn't mean I can't take time for myself. Finding a healthy balance in everything we do, is key. Most things are small, like getting ready for the day...everyday. Yes, I am prissy, so hair, make up and clothes help me feel good and I take the time each day to do that for myself. I have amazing friends who I play "Bunko" with a once month. It does wonders for the soul! My husband is my best friend and we read scriptures together at night, watch movies together and have a weekly date night. So important! I also love to travel so we make it a point to go on a few small trips together, alone, each year to recharge our honeymoon batteries ;). By taking care of yourself you can conquer anything.

4. With God, nothing is impossible: We are not expected to do this on our own! Daily, I turn to our loving Heavenly Father for help. He will lift our burdens, give us strength beyond measure and bless us in ways we never thought possible. All we need to do is ask. Becoming humble and submissive to His will wasn't something I was born with. I am actually quite stubborn, so this has taken a lot of practice. If I can do it, anyone can! My favorite scripture is found in Proverbs 3: 5-6. "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not to thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths". By submitting our will for the things He knows are best for us, will always bring us true happiness.  

5. Serve Others: My life motto consists of 3 things: Be quick to forgive, do not be easily offended and do something kind for some else everyday. These are usually very small and simple things, like holding the door open for someone or giving a stranger a smile. I call my family or send texts to friends to let them know I care. We never know when we will be an answer to someone else's prayer so reach out to others as often as possible. Most of my service however, is centered around my family. I want to make sure that each of our children grow up feeling special and loved. I check them out of school for lunch, leave notes in their backpacks, make sure their uniforms are washed for game days and I tell them often how proud I am of them and that I love them.  These are the little things that will matter most.

6. Learn from your Experiences: Have you ever heard the saying :"If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got"? For heavens sake...If something isn't working for you...change it! Find a system for your family that works, then stick with it. Have bed times, rules, work together, have meals together when possible and also set time aside for family activities and down time. Trials will come, they are a part of life but learn and grow from them instead of letting them get you down. Remember, don't take life too seriously! Have fun along the way!   

7. It's Okay to ask for help!: There are days I have to get 3 kids to 3 different places, all at the same time. Lets face it people, just because I dressed up like Wonder Woman last year for Halloween, doesn't mean I am. It really does take a village to raise a child so find YOUR village with family, friends and community members and don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. On the flip side, always offer to help in return when you can. This is important. Also...please realize it is okay to say "No". If you are asked to help with something and you can't because you are completely overwhelmed, be honest and respectfully decline. It will save you and others from a lot of unnecessary stress. Let people help you and be grateful for their help. You don't have to do this alone!

8. Find Joy in Your Crazy: Whether you have one child or 10, life can be crazy! Lets face it we live in a busy world. The key is "finding joy" in your own circumstances. Every Saturday from August to November, I sit at football games for 6 hours in over 100 degree heat. My body is wacko and it despises the heat. I get light headed and dizzy and it drains my energy. BUT I love sports...thanks Dad... and I love watching my boys play so I let that happiness I feel, outweigh the rest. Life is all about attitude. If we choose happiness, we will be happy. Yes, we will have STUFF, everyday, that will be hard but decide now to be happy. Work at it, pray for it, ask for help and above all else, love yourself and circumstances and find joy in the little things. I hope you all have a beautiful day!         


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