Okay so this is a day late. With 8 kids running a zillion different directions, its bound to happen. I decided that with this post I want to get really personal. I'm going to talk about some things that have been very difficult for me but I think they are worth sharing. This is my love story, my fairy tale, and I am so grateful to be where I am right now, in my life.
People often comment about Matt and I and how much they love to see us so happy. Thanks to Facebook and the things we share about our lives, people have watched our love story unfold. I will be the first to say that even though we are very happy together, it hasn't always been easy. We started out with 8 children, when most newlyweds just have each other. We faced lots of challenges in the beginning. We had to learn how to communicate, how to blend, how to look past each others faults and the big one was, how to overcome the baggage that we both brought from our previous marriages. But I can honestly say, I am the happiest I have ever been in my life, thanks to a man who has "just loved me".
After my divorce, I was completely broken. The details of what I went through are not something I want to discuss but my self esteem was shattered because of things I experienced and I didn't feel worthy of anything, especially love. I found myself dating people who were needy or a "project" as my mom would say. I didn't feel like I deserved any better. I know I was being watched over during that time and God sent an angel into my life. He was a counselor named Roger Mckenzie. Roger helped me begin to heal but the most important thing he taught me was to start believing that I had great worth and that I deserved someone who was "worthy of me" as he put it. This was a hard concept for me to grasp. It took a lot of prayer and tears to even have a glimpse that I was of worth at all, during that time in my life but I began to pray to find someone who would "cherish" me. Every time I would pray, I would use that word "cherish". Little did know, God heard my prayers and I was blessed with exactly that.
Matthew David Little came into my life in May of 2008. I had been divorced a little over a year and I was ready to find love again. I remember the first time I came to California. It was in June, and we had been e-mailing and talking on the phone for about 3 weeks. I flew to Sacramento and this tall, handsome guy was waiting at the airport for me. When I first saw him, I started to run and gave him a hug, then he twirled me, just like in a movie. On the hour drive from Sacramento to Gridley, we sang to the radio, talked and laughed, just like we had known each other for years. I was so scared to let myself fall for this guy who lived 2 states away, from everything and everyone I knew. I understood how hard it would be to move with 5 little kids to a foreign land...ha ha...but I took a leap of faith and that leap paid off. A month later we were married and I have never looked back.
From the very beginning, Matt has told me daily how beautiful I am. He never complains about the things I don't get done but always praises me for the things I do. It's amazing what happens when you hear things like "Thank you for making our bed everyday, I feel like I live in a hotel", and "Wow, I am the luckiest guy in the world to have you for my wife" and "How did I ever find you"? My self esteem started to improve. I started to feel worth something again. Matt would make sure we went on dates, usually, weekly. He would help me with the kids and back me up every time. He spent time with our kids and taught them important things. Matt also recognized when I needed a break. He would tell me to go and get a "diet sprite" (a line from the movie "Date Night") and to take as long as I needed. I have been able to go on "girl trips" when Matt has taken care of things at home. We have traveled together, prayed together, laughed A LOT together, finished each other's sentences, hundreds of times and had more fun than I ever thought possible. I can honestly say that he is my best friend! Through his unconditional love and the way that he has "cherished" me, I am whole again. I am so grateful to be given this second chance with such an amazing man by my side. He is my Valentine! Not just on February 14th but every day of the year. I am so in love and wanted the whole world to know it! I love you hot stuff!!!!!!
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